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The market’s showing sparks of life with recent mergers, acquisitions

While Main Street investors had some trepidation over their portfolios during the six-week-long pullback in the stock market, the pros see many positives.

Sell-offs are a common corrective action, which is needed in order to move higher.

The fact is, the stock market just rallied 1,200 points in the first two weeks of June. Much of that is due to the Federal Reserve admitting it went too far in raising rates.

Another positive sign is the quality of the current initial public offerings, and the volume of mergers and acquisitions.

There are some very good indications that this bull market may not be as fragile as the pessimists say.

The IPO market has been strong, with 14 offerings this year — up more than 50 percent from last year. And these aren’t hope-and-a-prayer companies, as in the dot-com era.

Today’s IPOs are coming out — in some cases — with billions in revenues and well-established business models in high-growth areas.

Sure, some are better than others in terms of stock performance. The biggest ones, Uber and Lyft, both got a flat reception and remain underwater from their IPO price. Their issues were valuation and offering size. But they are each credible, established businesses.

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